Wink Jones, a legend in his own right, has entrusted yours truly with the writing of some of his blog posts. My name is Krystal Moore, by nature and trade I am a wordsmith, but I have always had a fascination with shiny rocks. Perhaps it is because I am a lady and perhaps it has something to do with my mother naming me after them, whatever the reason may be; I am keen on gemstones. I am absolutely excited about this writing adventure.
What do a woman and a fish have in common? They are both attracted to shiny things... I am no different. I, like most women, love the things in life that sparkle. However, like most people, I just look at the sparkle and do not bother with the fine print or unobvious details. That is, until I met Wink Jones, whom is not only a graduate from the Gemological Institute of America; but is in his 37th year of a love affair with gems. I, being named after them (and currently having a covetous relationship with them) find myself thirsty for what Wink knows on the topic.
My goal in writing these posts is to bring diamond and gemstone buyers into the “know” on the topic. I want to simplify Wink’s extensive knowledge and share it with all of you; so that you might go into your future gemstone purchases with an understanding of at least the basics. Although, it is my ardent hope to share with you the passion for gems that Wink has as well as the expertise he has gained.
I don’t like to go into anything without knowing what I am dealing with. I think most of us are apprehensive about investing money in things we know little to nothing about. I understand that, and Wink does too. This is why we have begun collaborating on this educational blog. I want to know what I’m buying as well as all that went into that product; Wink is passionate about sharing his volt of information, expertise and experience on gems. With his extensive knowledge and my apt for wordsmithing combined with my desire to make this somewhat overwhelming topic more feasible to understand; we should have you all armed with the know how to fearlessly purchase your gems and feeling confident that you got your money’s worth.
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